Letter: ‘Brown County GOP shares white supremacist fodder’


To the editor:

I have reached a breaking point here. Every resident of our county should be aware of an inexcusable post that the Brown County GOP shared as a “very well written assessment” of U.S. race relations on their Facebook page on April 24 (link below). Since the group deletes all comments that are not praise, this is my last resort.

An essay titled “The Black Dilemma” lays out an argument that Black people are incompatible with white America. In summary, Black Americans as a whole are incapable of holding middle class jobs or promoting social stability, so Black communities exist as socially incompatible, crime-ridden messes. And white people have reached their breaking point. These are actual paraphrases from this disgusting essay, held up by the Brown County GOP as something to contemplate as a reasonable perspective.

They attribute the essay to an article from the Baltimore Sun, I assume to provide some kind of cover that it’s not racist since a “liberal” paper was the “original” publisher of this trash. There’s just one problem. The Baltimore Sun publicly denied any involvement with this essay when that false narrative was spread back in 2015. It has since been linked to a group called American Renaissance, a group widely considered a white supremacist organization.

I especially encourage all our GOP elected officials to read their post. The county GOP is making a bold assumption that you also hold these views, considering they are the official organization associated with our GOP community leaders. The county GOP does not care to engage with regular citizens who consider themselves Republican but disagree with their messages and encourage them to be better than this. That leaves you, our elected officials, to do your job and be our voice.

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/BrownCountyGOP/posts/2894375360830061">https://www.facebook.com/BrownCountyGOP/posts/2894375360830061</a>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Alex Miller, Town Hill Road</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: left"><em>Editor’s note: This post no longer appears on the Brown County Republicans’ page.</em></p>

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