Letter: Support candidate who attends constituent events


To the editor:

Trey Hollingsworth, a multimillionaire from Tennessee, rented a condo in southern Indiana in the fall of 2015. The very next year, he ran for Congress. Trey won that election in part by spending $3 million of his own money.

Because Trey has been a Tennessee resident for his entire life, you would expect him to engage in community events, attend public forums and meet the voters here in his district. So last year I invited him and Liz Watson to speak to our Indivisible group here in Nashville. Liz attended. Trey didn’t show.

Then I attended the Brown County League of Women Voters “Meet the Candidates” event. Liz Watson was there; Trey wasn’t.

After that, I attended the forum on environmental issues at the Brown County Public Library. Watson was present. Trey didn’t show again.

When I attended a health care forum in Bloomington, Liz Watson was there answering questions. Trey was nowhere to be seen.

As a constituent, I wanted to talk to my congressman, so I asked for his schedule. Turns out, it is secret even to those who live in his district. I filled out the online form asking for a meeting. No response. I wanted to ask Hollingsworth why he voted himself a $4.5 million tax cut that balloons the deficit by $1 trillion. I also wanted to ask him why he voted to end medical coverage for 300,000 Hoosiers. Maybe he doesn’t face the voters because he does not want to answer for his votes?

Liz Watson attends public events and listens and responds, because she cares about southern Indiana. This is where she grew up, lives and raises her two children. I am convinced she will continue to listen and respond after she gets elected.

If you want to elect a Hoosier who cares, who listens, and who will work hard for you, come help us at The Seasons conference center every Wednesday night at 5:30. As voters, we can make a difference.

Denny Kubal, Brown County

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