Letter: Appointment decision needs to be reviewed


To the editor:

I am filing a formal complaint against the Brown County Commissioners.

My complaint alleges that the Brown County Commissioners did not handle the recent appointment to the Helmsburg Regional Sewer District in a fair and equitable manner.

Both Jenny Austin and I applied for the post. It was awarded to Jenny Austin and the commissioners told me it would be a conflict of interest for me to hold the position. No legal justification was given for their position.

One week later, Jenny Austin resigned from the board and Virginia White’s daughter, Denise Broussard, was appointed without following county policy for filling board positions. Her application was not received in the appointed time and should never have been considered.

I would also like a legal opinion from the commissioners’ legal counsel concerning the commissioners’ statement that it was a conflict of interest for me to hold a seat on the board,

I would like this complaint reviewed by the commissioners’ legal counsel, and if my complaint is held as being valid, I wish to be appointed to the board.

John Kennard, Brown County

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