Letter: ‘A travesty of the highest order hits Yellowwood’


To the editor:

On Nov. 9, 2017, the DNR sold 299 acres of backcountry forest for aggressive logging, despite the fact that in the 2015-19 IDNR Division of Forestry Strategic Direction, the mission stated that “it is the policy of Indiana to protect and conserve the timber, water resources, wildlife and topsoil in the forests OWNED and operated by the division of forestry for the equal enjoyment and guaranteed use of future generations.”

It is my understanding that the public forests of Indiana belong to us, the Indiana taxpayers.

In 1981, this area was designated by the DNR (as urged by Gov. Robert Orr) as “backcountry” and was meant to remain the same as it looked 150 years ago. That includes the plants and animals that inhabit that area.

Please implore Sen. Eric Bassler and Rep. Bob Heaton if you live in Spencer or Terre Haute, or, if you live in Brown County or Monroe County, insist that your representative and senator stand up for our forests and citizens by urging Governor Holcomb to honor the decree set forth 36 years ago and to propose a bill to protect and manage timbering in a responsible manner.

Joan Staubach, Poland, Indiana

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