Letter: Fall Gathering successful because of volunteers


To the editor:

The Brown County Historical Society would like to thank everyone who made their Fall Gathering such a wonderful success. The weather was gorgeous and the Pioneer Village was abuzz with activity.

Thanks go out to The Salt Creek String Band, Jerisue, Tom and Dixie Owens, and Bill Robison; Bill and Cheryl Boyle; Vicki Smith; John and Brenda Main; Bob and Joyce Shook; Pete and Ginni Bullard; Mike Kummerer; Jim Kelp; Dorothy Babcock; Rita Simon; Marcia Sledd; Wanda Lawson; Bill Lutes; July Zimmerman; Lu Brunnemer; Richard Frenzel; Leah Mogel; Jennifer Hodge; Tim Ackerman; Donna Jo Copeland; Angie Easterday; Mary George Kipp; Michele Marshall; Ann Delano; Francie Eastridge; Jane Huffman; Kathy Sparks; and Mary and Alan Everroad of Trolly’s.

Kathy Sparks, Brown County Historical Society (submitted by Pete Bullard)

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