Letter: Ideas for compromise on Maple Leaf concerns


To the editor:

We have heard the well-based complaints about the potential of increased noise and traffic problems brought on by the Maple Leaf project. Has there been any attempt to design features that would minimize these problems?

I think the design should include a 10-foot strip of land between the new road and the complex of restaurants, shops, offices, living areas and the Brown County Health and Living Community. That strip would be planted with evergreens, which would substantially reduce the noise and improve the attractiveness of the area. Such a feature needs to be added at the beginning; it would be much more costly at a later date. Plantings should also be used between the nursing home and the Maple Leaf facility. Similar noise reduction should be used in the area which accommodates the buses.

One of the residents of the apartment complex stated that he barely had time to get across the present two-lane road. He knew that would be worse with three lanes. Would it be practical to use the third lane only at performance times?

I think it is important that the residents in the area should not bear the burden of these changes.

Keith Bradway, Artist Drive

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