Letters: Kudos to grant-maker, volunteers for schools program


To the editor:

The Brown County Community Foundation would like to thank AT&T and their representative, Pepper Mulherin, for their recent $10,000 grant supporting Brown County Schools. This grant will allow the high school to acquire the Botvin LifeSkills curriculum. This curriculum is primarily a drug prevention program but also contains specific units related to suicide prevention and bullying prevention by teaching proactive and positive social skills to students. There is a specific ninth and 10th grade curriculum and a specific 11th and 12th grade curriculum so the program is very focused and comprehensive.

The Brown County Rotary Club members who already are very active in a number of other school activities, including assisting with science and history project judging and the RYLA leadership skill building program, have expressed an interest in helping to develop an implementation plan and delivering the curriculum. We are blessed to have such wonderful financial support from AT&T and volunteer organizations like Rotary ready to provide valuable volunteer support to our school system.

Congratulations to Brown County Schools on dedicating the time and energy to submit the application and receive the grant, and a heartfelt thank you to AT&T for their generous grant support for our school system.

Larry Pejeau, CEO, BCCF

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