Letter: This is a great place to live and work


To the editor:

This weekend once again I was shown why I love living in Brown County.

First, my guest’s daughter left her phone at the Nashville General Store. As she was retracing her steps, an employee met her on the street. She was bringing it here for her.

Then her mom’s car wouldn’t start. Al’s jumped her and had her follow them to the shop. She was on her way with a new battery in less than 90 minutes. Before they left Brown County, they bought a bunny, too.

Lastly, last night, a guest left her jacket at Big Woods. (My guests seem to be a little forgetful.) One of the employees, Joy, actually dropped it off on my porch! My guests were from Sweden and she knew they were leaving this morning. By the way, they left late because they had had such a good time the night before!

These are the kind of people who live and work here. I am appreciative every day for this little town and all the people in it!

Nancy Crocker, Olde Magnolia House Inn

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