Letters: High School class of ‘73 to gather


To the editor:

On June 10, the class of ‘73 will have a poolside reunion at the Brown County Inn from 4 to 8 p.m. The cost is $10 per person. Finger foods will be served with tea and lemonade. Other beverages can be purchased at the bar.

This reunion is posted on Classmates.com and on Facebook. You can sign up at either site or you can contact Jed Bessire at 812-988-4408.

Next year we will have our 45th milestone class reunion tentatively on June 9, 2018. We will have a sit-down dinner, music, dancing and other various forms of entertainment. Cost and site are to be determined. We are currently looking for volunteers to help organize next year’s big event.

In addition, we are asking for your help in finding some of our long-lost classmates. If you know of anyone, please inform them of our reunion and ask them to get on Facebook and launch Mike Roberts a friend request so that he can send them an annual invitation. If you are not on Facebook or do not have a computer, you can contact Jed Bessire at 812-988-4408.

Brenda Badger, Brown County

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