Letters: Questioning fiscal plan estimates on annexation


To the editor:

Looking at the annexation fiscal plan for the town of Nashville, $500 in additional costs for policing the annexation area of Big Woods distillery/restaurant/tasting room seems too little.

Ninety-five acres is a large area for a small party town. As I understand it, in addition to yet another drinking establishment, there may also be establishments built where partiers can lodge amid beautiful gardens and walkways.

Ninety-five acres is a large area for crime. Small establishments in our town are having problems with drug trafficking. (Recently there was an article in The Democrat that mentioned drugs being hidden for pickup in a “to-go” order box.)

I found it appalling that co-owner Ed Ryan went before the PTO to, I suppose, assure parents that his new establishment will bring prosperity to their children in some indirect way. (Perhaps the town will put all of the increased levy into education?)

Should this project reach its completion, we shall require additional officers, uniformed and undercover, and extra cash for informants to cover this large area of development.

In addition to that extra policing, I suggest we organize a group to regularly attend the new establishment in order to aid our police.

Furthermore, should this project be complete, we shall have to consider filing a lawsuit against Big Woods that they will hopefully be buried under. At that point, we could use the structures they built to, say, establish a local education and arts center. At that point we may rest assured that we as residents of Brown County are a part of the solution to difficulties we all face, and not part of the problem.

The town council will hear the revised version of the annexation fiscal plan for Big Woods on April 6, 2017. Please attend this meeting and the public meeting to be set after that date. Make your voice heard on these issues.

John Douglas, Nashville

Editor’s note: The report of drugs allegedly hidden in a “to-go” order box took place in a restaurant outside of town limits, according to that police report.

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