Letter: Carrier appreciative of customers’ support


To the editor:

I want to thank my wonderful customers that have been so good to me for the tips, gift cards, money and other gifts. I appreciated everything and feel lucky I have some of the best people in Brown County I deliver to and love to read the Brown County Democrat paper.

This summer I had a total knee replacement, and thanks to my good friends, they drove and delivered papers and I got to tell them where to go, sitting in the back seat with my knee up. You don’t get to do that too often.

One thing I can say, I try to wave at the good folks in Brown County and now I have my 2-year-old granddaughter doing the same. It makes me feel so good because those folks wave back — so glad I can call Brown County my home.

I want to thank you again and let you know I really appreciated it.

Jeanette Graves, Upper Salt Creek Road

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