Pizza restaurant receives permission to expand


Brozinni’s will be allowed to expand its kitchen and restrooms after the town council approved its rezoning request last week.

The property had been zoned incorrectly for the use of the building for decades, said Chris Ritzmann, Brown County planning director.

It’s been a restaurant for more than 20 years and before that, held retail shops, Ritzmann and town council member Arthur Omberg said.

Neither of those uses are allowed in RB, residential buffer — the zoning it had until town council’s unanimous vote last week.

It’s now zoned B1, general business.

The restaurant could have continued operating under the “grandfather” clause with its current, incorrect zoning, but the building couldn’t have been expanded, Ritzmann said.

The owners plan to expand the kitchen toward the alley behind it and toward Bright and Williamson Insurance, operator Ryan Seward said. They also need to add onto the bathroom to become compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Ritzmann said.

The Brown County Area Plan Commission had given the rezoning a positive recommendation, but the town council had to approve it.

Jane Gore, a member of the APC and town town council, had voted against the rezoning at the APC meeting. With the town council, she voted for it.

“I reconsidered,” she said. She said the reason for her “no” vote was that she wanted to preserve the “buffer” aspect of RB zoning, to keep space between commercial and residential areas of Nashville.

“My fear is that we’re going to get more people wanting to be rezoned … that the town will expand quicker than we want it to,” Gore said.

She said she’s not against this business.

Town council President “Buzz” King said no one should assume that just because this RB to B1 rezone was approved, any others will be. He said rezoning requests are considered on a case by case basis.

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