Sheriff’s sale: 4102 State Road 46 West




By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Circuit Court of  Brown County, Indiana, in Cause No. 07C01-1507-MF-000263 wherein Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America was Plaintiff, and Victor Shane Blake aka Victor Blake, et al., were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the   8th   day of    December, 2016, at the hour of 10 AM or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 55 State Road 46 East, Nashville, IN 47448, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Brown County, Indiana.

The following described Real Estate, situated in Brown County and in the State of Indiana, to-wit:

Part of Lot Number One (1) North of the Indian Boundary Line in Fractional Section 5, Township 8 North, Range 2 East, Washington Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:

Commencing at a steel post in concrete found marking the Northeast corner of said Lot Number One (1), also the Northeast corner of said Fractional Section 5; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 26 seconds West (assumed bearing) on and along the North line of said Lot Number One (1), also the North line of said Fractional Section 5, 1317.98 feet to a stone found marking the Northwest corner of the Fractional Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5, also the Northwest corner of a tract described to Kleindorfer in Deed Record Number 134, Pages 168-172 in the Office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 37 minutes 58 seconds West on and along the West line of said Fractional Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter with the west line of Kleindorfer 818.35 feet to a capped rebar set and the beginning; thence the following four (4) courses are through the lands of Kleindorfer: South 89 degrees 59 minutes 55 seconds East 276.01 feet to a capped rebar set; North 86 degrees 35 minutes 48 seconds East 333.63 feet to a capped rebar set; South 05 degrees 57 minutes 18 seconds East 369.21 feet to a capped rebar set; and South 10 degrees 00 minutes 51 seconds West 275.10 feet to an iron pin set in the apparent center of State Road Number 46; thence the following five (5) courses are with the apparent center of said State Road through the lands of Kleindorfer: South 85 degrees 09 minutes 56 seconds West 109.23 feet to an iron pin set; South 84 degrees 22 minutes 48 seconds West 272.41 feet to an iron pin set; South 86 degrees 45 minutes 23 seconds West 78.73 feet to an iron pin set; North 89 degrees 14 minutes 51 seconds West 79.14 feet to an iron pin set; and North 84 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds West 69.31 feet to an iron pin set on the West line of said Fractional Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, also the West line of KIeindorfer; thence North 00 degrees 37 minutes 58 seconds East on and along said West line with the west line of Kleindorfer 651.58 feet to the beginning, containing 9.371 acres, more or less.


More commonly known as: 4102 State Road 46 W, Nashville, IN 47448

Parcel No. 07-11-05-100-117.000-004

Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.

“Subject to all liens, encumbrances and easements of record not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause No.  07C01-1507-MF-000263 in the Circuit Court of the County of Brown, Indiana.”

Plaintiff Attorney:

Joel F. Bornkamp (27410-49)

Timothy D. McKay (29372-49)

Robert E. Altman III (29811-15)

Reisenfeld & Associates, LPA LLC 3962 Red Bank Road, Cincinnati, OH 45227

Voice: (513) 322-7000   Facsimile: (513) 322-7099

Sheriff of Brown County

Street Address       4102 State Road 46 W, Nashville, IN 47448


The Sheriff`s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street addressed published herein

This communication is from a debt collector.

This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

31922744 11/2, 9, 16, 2016 hspaxlp 16-231

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