Letter: Hollingsworth’s message should resonate with voters


To the editor:

As a nation, we’ve lost sight of something that our Founding Fathers fought for. We’ve lost sight of the idea that our entire country is built upon the foundation of a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

That is something Trey Hollingsworth wants us to return to.

Having never held nor run for public office before, Republican Trey Hollingsworth is taking his track record of success creating Hoosier jobs and building prosperous companies to voters, along with his approach to fix Washington. He knows that the best way to fix the problem is to change the people we send to address it.

A business owner who has invested in numerous Hoosier companies and put hundreds to work, Trey has a front-row seat to the damage the Obama-Clinton-Yoder policies have on Hoosier companies. That is why Trey is the right choice send to Washington, D.C. He can attest to what works for Hoosiers and what doesn’t.

Additionally, Trey has made term limits a staple of his campaign from day one.

Not only has he pledged to limit his own terms in Congress, but he will fight to limit the terms of all members of Congress.

Our nation is only as strong and successful as the people we send to Washington, D.C. That means we must ensure we’re sending the right voice to represent us. After all, our nation’s government is one of the people, by the people, for the people.

Rob Burgess, Indiana Federation of Young Republicans, Jeffersonville

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