Letter: Bobcat population could cause nature imbalance


To the editor:

It has come to the attention of Indiana Department of Natural Resources wildlife experts that bobcats are proliferating too rapidly for nature to handle all by itself. Our DNR must intervene to reduce bobcat numbers before they ruin everything we have worked so hard for.

Everyone knows that bobcats inexorably stalk, kill and eat domestic cats, right? Well, there are now at least 74 million to 96 million house cats suddenly in grave peril in the U.S., not counting another 50 million totally unguarded feral cats. These cats kill an estimated 3.7 to 4 billion birds a year in the U.S., according to scientists at the Smithsonian.

Do the math. We need immediate bobcat population controls to stunt this insatiable carnivore population explosion and, subsequently, to protect the housecats that will eat all those birds for us (ecology-type food chain).

DNR ornithological actuarial studies indicate that, in approximately 13 catless years, logarythmic increases in successful breeding by so many more unregulated birds will result in a contiguous, live carpet of neo-tropical song birds at least 2 feet thick all over Indiana, making it nearly impossible to walk around or to conduct the ordinary business of the day.

Increasing medical costs relating to human hearing damage also should be expected and factored in, due to the incessant loud screaming of countless hordes of wild, totally-uncontrollable birds.

Without immediate intervention, expect that many more lost man-hours of work will severely impact both our Hoosier economy and your own personal health, as both whippoorwills and mockingbirds are known to “sing” loudly all night long, only to be augmented at 4:30 a.m. by the cacophony of billions of revving-up first-shift birds. Just imagine trying to get any sleep with millions of whippoorwills chanting incessantly at you all night long! Whippoorwill! (click) whippoorwill, (click) whippoorwill! That’s a really ugly picture.

Also, do not discount the ever-mounding costs associated with the removal of all that toxic bird do-do.

Remember, with bobcats, it’s them or us. Get behind our visionary DNR leaders right now and support this well-planned and wise effort to nurture, manage, sculpt and restore again to nature, nature’s natural balance with its natural self, naturally, or something like that.

Also, as bobcats continue to conquer more territory in their utterly brazen, unstoppable juggernaut across Indiana, don’t be surprised when the small numbers of people not seeing them increase to extremely large numbers of people not seeing them, as they are so wily and secretive.

Charlie Cole, Brown County

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