Letter: A huge loss of Brown County leadership


To the editor:

On Tuesday, Brown County voters chose not to elect David Redding to return as a member of the county council, where he currently holds the leadership position of president. What a loss for our county!

Our community could not have wished for a more qualified leader. With his engineering degree, MBA and leadership experience with Cummins and LHP, we had an incredibly talented professional to help lead Brown County through some very difficult financial times.

All one has to do is refer to the comments made by the State Board of Accounts about the terrible financial problems they uncovered in prior audits of county records to understand why Mr. Redding’s professional talents and experience are needed — not just for the past two year but for our future. Now, we have lost his counsel and leadership.

Folks, we are blessed to have this outstanding professional and his family living in our community. Unfortunately, name recognition (not capability) is often the reason candidates are elected to public office. Our community is hurting itself. So, shame on us.

Thank you, Mr. Redding, for your services.

Evan A. Werling, CPA (retired), Brown County

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