Column was a good parenting reminder


To the editor:

Thank you Sara Clifford for the wonderful article in the Feb. 3 paper! Your article was so comforting and reassuring that we aren’t alone in the parenting world — and that I, too, need to turn off the TV, put down my phone and plug into my kids.

This poem comes to mind. Although it hangs on my wall, I haven’t read it in awhile:

Clean and scrubbing can wait ’til tomorrow.

For babies grow up, we learn to our sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep.

I am rocking my baby, for babies don’t keep.

Here’s to all adults that interact with children: talk to them, read to them, sing to them, listen to them, and most of all, hug and love them.

Jenise Bohbrink, Brown County


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